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Questions? Contact Archies, Inc., PO Box 367, Mexico, ME 04257 207-364-2425

List of Recyclables


All recyclables are collected at curbside on the day of your designated route. Please have recyclables at curbside by 6:30 a.m. If you are unsure of the day of your collection, please call the New Sharon Town Office.


Place the following recyclables in brown paper or plastic shopping bags and put them in a covered container:

GLASS: Clear bottles and jars   Rinse clean; Remove all metal or plastic caps and rings.  Labels may be left on.

DO NOT INCLUDE:  Ceramics, coffee cups, dishes, light bulbs, pyrex, drinking glass, colored glass, window glass.  Place in paper or plastic shopping bags


PLASTIC: Milk and water jugs, bleach bottles, plastic bags, butter tubs, cool whip tubs, soft drink, cooking oil, peanut butter, detergent and anti-freeze bottles. Look for the CODE 2 symbol on the bottom.. Remove caps and rings. Drain anti-freeze, bleach and detergent containers, rinse other containers clean.  Labels may be left on. Please: Flatten containers!  Place in paper or plastic shopping bags and leave in covered container.

DO NOT INCLUDE:  Oil bottles, pails or toys; bubble wrap, food bags, vinyl siding, Styrofoam packaging, peanuts.  Remember,  NO CAPS!


TIN CANS AND ALUMINUM: Aluminum cans, pie plates, trays and CLEAN aluminum foil; tin cans and lids. (coffee, soup, vegetable, tuna, fruit cans, pet cans, etc.) Rinse clean and REMOVE labels.  Place in paper or plastic shopping bags and leave in covered container.

DO NOT INCLUDE: Paint cans.


NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, CATALOGS, TELEPHONE BOOKS: All of these items can be recycled together, including the glossy supplements that come with the paper.  Place loose in paper or plastic shopping bags and set in the covered container.

DO NOT INCLUDE: Mixed Paper and Corrugated Cardboard.


CORRUGATED CARDBOARD: Only corrugated cardboard containers and brown paper grocery bags. Boxes should be flattened. Place beside the covered container.:

DO NOT INCLUDE: mixed paper and paperboard containers.

*The difference between corrugated cardboard and regular food boxes is that the cardboard has "ridges" (corrugation) between the layers; paperboard does not.


MIXED PAPER: Junk mail, cereal boxes, milk and juice containers, letters, folders, white and colored paper and bags, cards postcards, calendars, checks, envelopes, other food and paperboard boxes, and soda cartons. Place all mixed paper together in brown paper bags.

DO NOT INCLUDE:  Food-contaminated paper or paperboard products, no foil or glitter paper products, no magazines, newspapers, or corrugated cardboard.


Plastic shopping bags may also be recycled. Place all shopping bags in one bag and leave in the covered container.




Separate the materials according to the above chart - PLEASE DO NOT MIX ALL OF THE RECYCLABLES TOGETHER!!

Newspapers, magazines, catalogs and telephone books may be recycled together.


All other clean paper and paperboard boxes are to be recycled together as Mixed Paper.          


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Town Office Hours

Monday 10-12:30, 1-6 p.m.

Wednesday 1-7 p.m.

Friday 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; 1-6 p.m

PO Box 7, 11 School Lane

New Sharon, ME 04955

Fax 207-778-2102


© 2017 by Town of New Sharon

photo: New Sharon

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