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New Sharon Parks and Recreation




Sara Abbott Pinkham 207-399-8796

Elizabeth Tracy, Brittany Conrad,

Josh Hill, Andrea Downing, Josh Deraspe


Facebook: New Sharon Parks and Recreation

*We are looking for up to ten (10) non-voting members of the community

to join our commission! Contact us today!




PARKS Committee:


Co-Chairs: Anisa Welch (778-3748) and

Wendy Pond (778-9025)


The Parks Committee is made up of members from the New Sharon community.  It is a volunteer group that strives to make New Sharon a better place to live. You may participate as much or as little as you like.















This Committee has worked on:

*Sponsoring a yard sale which helps to fund activities and projects.

*Arranged with the local girl scouts to help pick up trash on Earth Day along the Sandy River walking trail, Main Street, and Rt. 2

*Purchased two wooden benches for the recreation trail along the Sandy River.  Plaques were mounted on each one in memory of Sally Locke, a founding member of CIT who loved that area and had a vision for increasing its use.

*Purchased a trash can that is anchored to the guard rails at the end of Main Street.

*Planted, weeded, and harvested vegetables from the community garden that is located down by the library.  There were approximately 75 deliveries made to 25 families.

*Maintained the flower beds at the end of the Post Office Road and the end of Industry Road.

*Organized the scarecrow reunion.

*Organized the lighting of the Christmas tree on Route 2

*Honored our veterans with a summer bouquet and winter wreath on the monument, handled the upkeep of the flags that fly down Route 2 and other roads in town.


Many people who are not active members of the team donate money, time and supplies. If time doesn’t allow you to come to meetings but you would like to be on an e-mail list to participate when your schedule allows, see one of the members.


We want to say “Thank you to the many people who donate money, time or materials -- we appreciate you all!”



The Parks Committee

Co-Chairs: Anisa Welch (778-3748) and

Wendy Pond (778-9025)



If you would like to participate in any part of preparing, planting, harvesting, or delivering produce, contact Patty Lovell at 578-8275 or at or Don Waterhouse  (H) 778-2791, (C) 578-0422 or at


The flowers on the end of Post Office Road and Industry Road need to be maintained throughout the Summer months. If you would like to be part of keeping flower beds attractive you can contact Wendy Pond at 778-9025 or at  The first work sessions will be Wednesday May 22 from 2pm to 4:15 and Thursday from 5:30 until done.  All are welcome.  Bring some garden tools and come help spruce up your town.  


Welcome to the

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Town Office Hours

Monday 10-12:30, 1-6 p.m.

Wednesday 1-7 p.m.

Friday 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; 1-6 p.m

PO Box 7, 11 School Lane

New Sharon, ME 04955

Fax 207-778-2102


© 2017 by Town of New Sharon

photo: New Sharon, Don Waterhouse

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