Sarah Nutting
Library Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 3-7 p.m., Thursday and Saturday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Jim Ditzler Public Memorial Library

Welcome to the
Ditzler Library.
The Town of New Sharon has had a
library since the 1850's.
A Mr. James Savage of Southboro,
Massachusetts bequeathed the town
$500.00 provided that the town raise a
matching sum for the purchase of books
for a town library. At the next town
meeting, these conditions were accepted
and the library opened with over 100
volumes and on March 19, 1859 the
town voted to accept the $1000.00 as a
trust fund for the library.
For many years the New Sharon Library
was housed in a very small, historic
building (land and building owned by the New Sharon School and Ministerial Fund). There was no water and until recently, heat was provided by a wood stove. The old library (now empty) was located on busy U.S. Route 2 and parking was limited.
Mr. Jim Ditzler was a resident of the town and had been a trustee of the library. His heirs offered the town a gift of land and property to be used as a library. At town meeting 2000, this offer was accepted by the citizens of New Sharon. This is a wonderful opportunity for the town. The building would more than triple the previous library space. The location was quiet and beautiful with ample parking and good recreational opportunities.
The Ditzler heirs gave $15,000 for renovations and there have been grants received from Stephen and Tabitha King Foundation, MBNA, Franklin Savings Bank, G.H. Bass, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Community support for the new library has been tremendous. Volunteers have donated many hours of work and materials.
The library in New Sharon has always welcomed everyone and with this exciting, new opportunity, we sincerely hope that many people will visit and use our library.
The Library's Annual Meeting is on the first Tuesday following the Town Meeting at 7 p.m. at the Library.
Quarterly Meetings are the first Tuesdays of June, September, and December, 7 p.m. at the Library.