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2025 Election

of Officers

Friday, March 14


Voting at the Town Office

12 p.m. - 7 p.m.





Annual Town Meeting

Saturday, March 15


Cape Cod Hill Elementary School

9:00 a.m.​

sunrise farm.jpg

Absentee Ballots 

Available Now


You may vote early in person in the presence of the Town Clerk.


You may call and personally request a ballot be mailed to you.


You can complete an application for an absentee ballot during Town Office hours.

2025 Annual
Town Meeting

Absentee Ballots - Poster Annual 2025.jpg

The 2024 calendar year presented the Selectboard with numerous challenges. Following the significant flooding and road damage experienced in late 2023, Selectman Pond actively participated in weekly meetings with Road Commissioner Pond and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) officials. These meetings were crucial for data collection and the submission of reimbursement claims for road repairs.

In March, the Board welcomed Kathleen “Katie” Reis as the newest member, succeeding Travis Pond. The Board extends its sincere gratitude to Travis for his years of dedicated service and valuable contributions. His expertise and support during the transition was very helpful.

The Board appointed Robert Ayer as the new Animal Control Officer in March. He got started right away caring for all the animal needs in New Sharon, and continues to be very responsive to calls from residents.

Following a competitive bidding process in April and again in June, Abbott’s Lawn Care & More was awarded the town’s mowing contract for 2024, and the Board awarded a 3-year winter plowing contract to Josh Meader. The Board expresses its sincere appreciation to E.J. Pond & Sons and their dedicated plow crew for their many years of exceptional service to the Town.

In June, the Selectboard hosted a four-day cemetery conservation workshop led by Professional Conservator Joe Ferrannini, made possible by a grant from the Maine Old Cemetery Association (MOCA). The New Sharon Masonic Lodge donated space for the group to initially meet on Friday and enjoy breakfast from Root Down Market, before the Twenty-five participants began working to reset/repair 20 headstones and cleaned approximately 110 stones at the New Sharon Village Cemetery. Despite challenging weather conditions throughout the weekend, the workshop was a resounding success, and the improved appearance of the headstones is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all involved.

Over the summer we were informed by the Department of Transportation that the Bullens Mills Bridge was no longer safe for regular passage of school buses, fire trucks, and other regular heavy traffic. Wentworth Partners & Associates, the engineering firm, oversaw the bidding process, which received five visitors to the site and two bids. The Board awarded the contract to Wyman & Simpson, the low bidder at $744,000. Following approval at a special town meeting, the project was funded through the Maine Municipal Bond Bank at a rate of 2.86 for a term of ten years.

Construction commenced on September 3rd and was successfully completed ahead of schedule on November 13th.


The Selectboard seated the New Sharon Water District Board of Trustees three times throughout the year. The Board attended countless meeting with the PUC regarding the viability and survivability of the Charter. The Selectboard also attended an in-person meeting at Cape Cod Hill School fielding many questions and concerns of residents. Many meetings with the PUC, Maine Rural Water and the Advocacy staff were attended to help with the financials and direction of the New Sharon Water District. After the Board seated the Trustee Board for a third time, a partnership was then established between Maine Rural Water and the water district.In November the Board approved the replacement of several obsolete computers at the town office. These upgrades were necessary due to equipment failures and the absence of significant computer updates since 2016 for most in the office.The town-wide Reval conducted by KRT Appraisal faced several unforeseen delays. As a result, the Board was unable to finalize the tax commitment until November 8th, causing a delay in the mailing of tax bills. However, the completed revaluation yielded positive outcomes: a reduction in the municipal tax rate from 17.5 in 2023 to 10.9 in 2024, and the eligibility of qualified residents for the full Homestead exemption.


Additionally, the town will continue to receive various State revenues at full value that will help to reduce taxation. Due to the significant delays experienced during the revaluation process, the Board successfully negotiated a $7,000 reduction in its final payment to KRT Appraisal. The original contract was for $137,000.


In December, Selectman Kevin Libby submitted his resignation, effective March 2025. This resignation will create a one-year vacancy on the Board due to his upcoming military deployment.

The Board would like to extend a special thank you to Myrna Robinson for her invaluable contributions as the official minute-taker during Board meetings.

The Selectboard looks forward to continuing to serve the Town of New Sharon in 2025.

Paula Nason, Chair
Kevin Libby, Selectman
Kathleen Reis, Selectman

Town of New Sharon, Board of Selectmen

Financial Report

Town Warrant


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Town Office Hours

Monday 10-12:30, 1-6 p.m.

Wednesday 1-7 p.m.

Friday 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; 1-6 p.m

PO Box 7, 11 School Lane

New Sharon, ME 04955

Fax 207-778-2102


© 2017 by Town of New Sharon

photo: New Sharon

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